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i liked the game but noticed a few problems with it first the most glaring is the control scheme its hard to use both num keys mouse and space bar all at same time after rebinding my keyboard to be have all keys localized to qweasd i found it to be a lot easier to controll but still not perfect. secondly i felt the fire moved way to quick. the fact that one needs to be on the ground to attack makes the fire moving at high speeds hard to do things like press buttons not to mention if you make it to second level the fire starts instantly blocking your path to rest of level. a few minor things i found were on the first level all you platforming can be skipped by hugging one of the side walls and spamming space along with left and right trivializing the level along with the fact that running straight to the right off start caused the fire to stop completely. overall while i like the concept and might challenge myself to see if i can beat level 2 somehow i find that it can definitly use some imporvents so in other words keep up the good work and you might have a really fun game on your hands

The idea is good but the controls not so much because I think they are not well distributed. I recommend that you change the movement keys to A and D since the arrow keys make it difficult to use the mouse

okey Dokey